Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Best Local Agency

Yerp!! Cream 2009 just announced my company , the best local agency in the list. Isn't that great?I'm really proud to work with one of the established company. Hopefully, I will receive increment on my salary. * keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Yes. I left my office at 4am. The best part is I need to be in the office around 9am, next morning. Isn't that great? Fuck off!!

I'm tired and really need my sleep :( , nite gorgeous.

p/s:on the other hand, I've learned something on how to prepare a strategy paper, today. Thanks to my boss for the opportunity.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ok. I've to admit that I'm addicted with Farmville. Here goes my confession about it. Honestly, I'm blaming Facebook for this, it makes me grows some plants and take care of animals. Urgh!! Below some snapshots of Farmville.

p/s: Btw, I'm level 39, if you curious about it.haha.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Strategy paper

Stress!! Recently, I've been assigned to prepare a strategy paper for the TNB pitch. Hopefully, everything will run smoothly. This will be my first experience to prepare a strategy paper for the pitch. I need to make sure the proposal will jell with the creative rationale in term of selling my ideas to client.

Currently, I'm half done with my strategy paper and tomorrow I need to share my paper with my manager n director maybe they have some input to be inserted inside the strategy paper. I'm feel like studying business. Sigh!

To all,

Pray for my success especially to deliver the job before 7pm so that I can leave the office early.Hopefully...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Telephone by Lady GAGA

Front the top, the snapshot photos from the video clip called Telephone - Lady Gaga feat Beyonce(taken from the Lady Gaga official websites). It's very interesting song with a twist of drama in the clip. I found it, cool :)

With interesting line that i think, i should share....hehe

You know what they say?..Trust just like mirror, you can fix it when its broken but you can still see the crack on that motherfucker reflection!!

Here is the link....hope that you enjoy like I do ^_^

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Alhamdullilah, dapat surat dr mereka walopon sesudah hampir setahun.

Keputusan temuduga: Pegawai Tadbir(Kontrak)
Adalah dimaklumka, berikutan dengan temuduga yang diadakan pada 28 Mei 2009, tuan adalah dipilih sebagai calon simpanan.

WTF?ade plak calon pompuan simpanan plak.haha.stok steady!!.Agak lucu...tapi mungkin itu rezeki aku kot.huhu.Nak wat camne kan?ngee

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Isu kedai makan

lebih kurang 1pm ++,
bertempat: di kedai mama, sblh hospital sentosa.

Masing2 menikmati juadah tengahari yang disajikan di sini. Aisya memilih mee bandung dengan alasan DIET. Saya, ruwaida(intern), sarah, azlin ngan nisha menikmati nasi ayam sebagai juadah pilihan.

sesudah selesai makan, sambil lepak + updates dgn semua owg dlm 'servicing'

Aisya: Guys, ayam ade puting tak?
Me and Nisha: no kot.why?
Aisya: No, smlm masa ai blk nk beli dinner for my bro. He texts me and say ' along, I nk nasi ayam bahagian dada xmo puting ngan air limau'. I was like....ayam ader puting eyh?

nisha + ai : laugh out loud

Aisya: ade eyh?
Me: WTF? mesti ko been wondering about it kan tp ko mao tanya ur bro about it sb malo lalu ko tanya ktowg.haha. Ko mmg gila!!haha.
Aisya: haha.Ok. fine.
Me: btw, always made me happy specially time lunch dgn kisah2 xmasuk akal u.haha.
Aisya: I know. *smug.